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2022 Rules for Scholarship of FBE

Edit: 王书彦 Time: 2022-09-02 Hits:

Foreign students who enrolled in 2021 Autumn and 2022 Spring focused only on courses (without laboratory work), the Scholarship is CNY 3000 (Except for Jasmine, CSC & TSP students). Foreign students who enrolled in 2017, 2016 and 2015 can not apply for the scholarship.

Foreign students who enrolled before 2021 spring began their research. According to their research achievement, the scholarships are as follows (Except for Jasmine, CSC & TSP students),

1.The foreign student who has 1 academic paper admitted by SCI(E) and Jiangsu University must be the first unit of the authors, the scholarship starts from CNY 3500. For each additional SCI(E) academic paper, the scholarship should be an additional CNY 1000. Otherwise, for each additional SCI(E) academic paper in the first District (recognized by the Science and Technology Department), the scholarship would be an additional CNY 1000. No paper is to be used more than once.

2.The foreign student who doesn’t have any academic paper admitted by SCI(E); the scholarship is starting from CNY 2000.

3.The foreign student who participated in colonel-level academic competitions and won an Outstanding Award would have the scholarship of an additional CNY 500 for each item.

4.The foreign student who failed HSK3 within 2 years, the scholarship would be reduced by CNY 500(The foreign student who enrolled in 2018 and passed HSK2, the scholarship would not be reduced).

Foreign students who got Jasmine, SCS & TSP scholarship and enrolled before 2021 spring began their research. According to their research achievement, the scholarships are as follows,

1.The foreign student who has 1 academic paper admitted by SCI(E) and Jiangsu University must be the first unit of the authors, the scholarship starts from CNY 1500. For each additional SCI(E) academic paper, the scholarship should be an additional CNY 1000. Otherwise, for each additional SCI(E) academic paper in the first District (recognized by the Science and Technology Department), the scholarship would be an additional CNY 1000. No paper is to be used more than once.

2.The foreign student who participated in colonel-level academic competitions and won an Outstanding Award would have the scholarship of an additional CNY 500 for each item.

3.The foreign student who failed HSK3 within 2 years, the scholarship would be reduced by CNY 500 (The foreign student who enrolled in 2018 and passed HSK2, the scholarship would not be reduced).

Note: 1) The applicant should be the first author, or the tutor as the first author,the applicant as the second author,and taking Jiangsu University as the first signed Institution. The academic paper should be published after September 2021 and not used for Scholarship of FBE before.

2) Methods of recognition—the academic paper should be published or published on-line. (For seniors who will graduate in 2023, the academic paper should be accepted.)

3) Student within suspension of schooling or going to drop out of college can not apply the scholarship.

School of Food & Biological Engineering reserves the right of explanation.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)

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