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Mid Autumn Festival Activity: Moon Cake Making

Edit: Time: 2015-09-28 Hits:

The School of Food and Biological Engineering in collaboration with Overseas Education College organized the moon cake making activity as part of this year’s mid autumn festival activity. The exciting event took place on 26th of September, 2015 by 3 pm at room 412 in school of food and biological engineering building.

Both the Chinese and overseas students participated in the moon cake making activity. The history and the importance of mid autumn festival was explained to the participants particularly to the overseas students. Songs and poems both in Chinese and English languages were delivered by some of the participants. Some of the Chinese students demonstrated to the overseas students on how to make the moon cake. Then every participant produced their own moon cakes. After the making of the moon cake, everybody sat together to eat the moon cake. It was very delicious!

Participants were also taught how to make artificial flowers using thick papers. The artificial flowers can be used as decorations or gifts to friends. Participants also took part in Chinese games which added fun and excitements to the activity.

The event provided an opportunity for the participants to work and interact together. New friendship was made between the Chinese and the overseas students. New skills on making moon cake were learnt and the Chinese games was an exciting moment for every participant.

(School of Food and Biological :Oladejo Ayobami Olayemi)

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