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NIR news reported NIR Workshop Team from Jiangsu University, China

Edit: Time: 2015-03-12 Hits:

NIR news reported research group of Prof. Chen Bin titled NIR Workshop Team, Jiangsu University, China. The group of Prof. Chen Bin initiated application studies of INR spectrometry for quality detection of food and agricultural products. The team has developed reliable detection methods for the main quality indices of various grains, flavoring, vegetable oil, liquors, drinks and textiles. They obtained financial support for over 30 research projects, among which three are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; and one is the National ‘863’ project of China; two are supported by the Doctorate Foundation of the National Educational Commission. For the other projects, one is supported by the Key Scientific Achievement Transformation Project of Jiangsu Province while another one is the National Specialized Project for Key Instruments. Nearly 100 articles have been published based on their studies, among which more than 20 are indexed in SCI and over 20 in EI. Professor Chen is also the chief author of the book titled New Technology of Rapid and Non-destructive Quality Detection for Food and Agricultural Products. This team owns six patents, three are invention patents and three items with registered computer software copyright as well.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)

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