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Youling Xiong from University of Kentucky Visited Jiangsu University

Edit: Time: 2014-12-18 Hits:

On Dec. 16, Youling Xiong from University of Kentucky Visited Jiangsu University. Youling Xiong delivered an academic lecture named Structural Mechanism on Oxidative Susceptibility of Proteins In Processed Muscle Foods. Prof. Ma Haile, Dean of School of Food and Biological Engineering, and some faculty members and students of the school attended the lecture.

Professor Xiong is a scientist at the University of Kentucky, USA. He received his Ph.D. from Washington State University in muscle protein functionality, and conducted postdoctoral work at Cornell University in milk protein chemistry. His research is focus on physical, biochemical, and functional properties of muscle, dairy and legume proteins; oxidative changes in proteins and lipids during food processing and storage; development of natural antioxidants and bioactive peptides; textural properties of meat, dairy and soy products; interactions among food ingredients in value-added meat and poultry products; postmortem muscle proteolysis; aquatic products (fish and crustaceans), which has led to more than 200 journal publications. And his research was supported by grants (>$5 million) from USDA NRI/AFRI, USDA CBGP, NIHS, KCA, KSA, KSEF, and various food/nutrition companies.

For his innovative research on protein and peptide functionality and muscle food processing along with his sustained contributions to food science and technology education, Professor Xiong was elected Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Fellow in 2010 and American Chemical Society, Ag & Food Chem. Div Fellow in 2012.He was also awarded Division Lectureship Award, Food Chemistry Division, Institute of Food Technologists in 2012, and George E. Mitchell Outstanding Faculty Service to Graduate Students Award, Gamma Sigma Delta University of Kentucky Chapter in 2013.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)

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