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Prof. Kaiping Yang from University of Western Ontario Visited Jiangsu University

Edit: Time: 2014-11-27 Hits:

On Nov. 26, Kaiping Yang from University of Western Ontario, Canada, visited Jiangsu University. At the ceremony, Ma Haile, the dean of School of Food and Biological Engineering, granted prof. Kaiping Yang a letter of appointment, pinned a Jiangsu University emblem for him. After the ceremony, Prof. Kaiping Yang delivered an academic lecture named Bisphenol A Disrupts Fetal Development in the Mouse.

Kaiping Yang is a professor at the University of Western Ontario, He received his Ph.D. from University of Nottingham, UK. His major achievement since 2004 as follows,

April 2004: Demonstrated for the first time in the rat model that protein restriction during pregnancy resulted in low birth weight and central obesity later in adult life.

April 2008: Made a seminal discovery that neuropeptide Y (NPY), a neuropeptide thought only produced by both central and peripheral nervous systems, is produced by abdominal fat.

July 2008: Appointed as Chair of the Maternal, Fetal and newborn Health Division, which comprises of 25 research scientists and over 80 research staff and trainees, one of the three Divisions at Children’s Health Research Institute and Lawson Health Research Institute.

October 2008: Edited and published the second edition of a book called “Adipose Tissue Protocols”, as a volume in the popular and prestigious Methods in Molecular Biology series. The success and popularity of this book is attested by its reaching to the Top 100 Books in Biology several times on Amazon.com.

June 2012: Identified for the first time a plausible molecular mechanism by which maternal caffeine consumption may lead to fetal growth restriction, a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)

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