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Counsellor of Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan visit FBE

Edit: Time: 2014-05-05 Hits:

At the FBE, the visitor met with Prof. Ma Hai-le, the Dean of FBE. He was accompanied by associate-prof. Li Xin-chao, associate dean of Overseas Education College(OEC). After giving the School’s brochure, Prof. Ma Haile introduced the various programs that are offered at FBE and indicated the possibility of collaborating with the Republic of South Sudan in areas of teaching systems and mutual research interests. Mr. Monday Senmaya. K. Kumba was interested in international cooperation and exchange, and enquired about the possibility of bringing teachers and students from South Sudan. On the other hand, he focused on the reason why the overseas students choose to Jiangsu University.
The meeting ended with both sides assuring each other of continuing with this collaboration to their mutual benefit.
(School of Food and Biological Engineering)
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